Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) works as its name implies – hyper (more of) and baric (pressure) and in fact that is how it works. It is the increased pressure of the gas we breathe everyday that can actually signal the DNA in our cells to perform healing tasks that the body normally can’t do.
Ground zero for this activity is the mitochondria, which are the little organelles inside of our cells that convert oxygen and sugar into the gasoline the cells run on (ATP) – this is called cellular respiration. It doesn’t take much to knock mitochondria off-line and then that cell can’t perform the job it was assigned. So, be it oxygen deprivation, external toxic exposure, or a hyper-immune reaction to an infection or a vaccine the mitochondria will be damaged.
We know how Hyperbaric therapy works – it works by reviving the little mitochondria and actually causes mitochondrial biogenesis, so that if you need more mitochondria in your neurons more of them will form. It is interesting to note that the reason the ketogenic diet helps patients with certain types of neurological problems is that ketone bodies help support mitochondrial function. My opinion is that hyperbaric therapy is the most effective way to do this. It is that simple – this is not rocket science, but it is non-invasive brain repair.
As long as supportive biomedical interventions are taking place at the same time, be that detoxification, the appropriate diet for that child (GF/SF/CF, the SC diet or the GAPS diet, etc.), the appropriate supplements are on board, (folinic acid, B12, ALA, glutathione, etc.), foods the child is allergic to are eliminated and any infectious issues are being dealt with (such as yeast, viral load, Lyme, Mycobacterium, etc.) then hyperbaric therapy can commence. Hyperbaric therapy is not a substitute for a comprehensive bio-medical intervention strategy, and again alone it is not a cure, but it can be an important addition to the overall treatment plan.
Hyperbaric therapy is perhaps the safest procedure in medicine at the pressures used to treat brain injuries and children on the spectrum.
How does one get treated?
Hyperbaric treatment facilities that are not connected to hospital operations almost always treat conditions that have yet to be approved by the FDA – so-called “off-label” conditions. These free-standing centers are few and often far between, and since the brain injury protocol requires daily treatments for months; both treatment cost and distance to the nearest clinic become critical matters.
Optimally, you will want your child to be treated at a clinic that has experience treating children with brain injuries and where there is a physician with experience in treating children on the spectrum. That is the best case scenario, but that situation is not widely available. The second best option is to start off at such a center and then rent a portable chamber or buy one, as most do who start off renting a chamber.
Portable chambers go to 1.3 atmospheres and are not allowed to be inflated with oxygen; although they can have oxygen pumped in at 10 liters per minute by and FDA licensed oxygen concentrator. Not every child will be a responder at the low pressure, but most will respond. For the vast majority of affected children, the best case and even the second best case options are not practical, which makes having a portable/soft chamber at home the only real treatment option.
How many treatments are required?
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is prescribed by a physician based on that patient’s need. Typically for Autism Spectrum issues combined with other co-morbid medical conditions therapies are typically prescribed in 1 hour increments once full pressure is obtained. Treatment length varies by case. Typically treatments are between 20 – 80 separate appointments. Hyperbaric oxygen therapies are more efficacious to be performed in sequential days.
Doctors will work with patients to evaluate individual needs and come up with a treatment plan. Each treatment plan varies. This therapy could be prescribed in groups. For example, a doctor may prescribe three separate 20 treatment sessions as part of a treatment plan. Please check with your doctor for additional details.
What chamber is the right chamber?
As I have already pointed out there are many shapes and sizes, but not all portable chambers are equal. There are some very cheaply made chambers on the market and so a parent is best served by a manufacture that has the best guarantee, the best system for fixing a chamber should something go wrong, and has a long track record in the USA of selling their chambers from the same location. In other words, an established company that stands behind their product is best and what is not best is looking for the best price. There is only one company I know of that will both rent chambers and buy back their chambers to refurbish them and sell them at a reduced price – there is only one chamber manufacture in the USA that sells a portable chamber that is Pressure Vessel Certified – that is the only company I would obtain a chamber from.
For details visit TACA
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