1 Kings 18 v 30-36..A champion is someone loved by God. He or She is God's beloved and as a result, the fellow becomes greater than a conquering general according to the instructions he receives from God. He never runs ahead of God's will.When Elijah was praying on mount camel in 1 Kings 18,36 he said he has done everything according to God's instructions. The fellow who is truly smart is the one who carries out God's instructions without relaxing any detail. He or She is totally obedient. He waits on God, Do you hear God's voice? How obedient are you to His commands? Do you obey His command selectively - taking what is convenient but leaving what is deemed too sacrificial ?

If you want to be a divine champion, then you must search every pending divine instruction and carry it out to the latter. if you still select what to obey and what to disobey from what God has commanded you, you can never be a divine champion.

Moreover, divine champion is the fellow who is sustained by God. God used the ravens to feed Elijah and afterwards He used the window in 1 Kings 17 vs 2 -16. Do you know that Elijah did not query God on method he chose to feed him by? He received all with thanksgiving.

Today when some of us are praying for provision, we also dictate to God how the provision should come. Do you know that some believers refuse a provision that God has given simply because they disagree with the source through which the blessing is coming?

After God has answered the prayers of some of His children, He will begin to face their queries: why did you provide this money through this fellow and not through me? do you want to take me through some more reproach?
Beloved, you can ask God for anything but God is free to  answer your request in any way that pleases Him.

This month as we go the Lord will meet all our needs in Jesus name. He will fulfil all the long awaited promises in your Life. You will experience daily miracle in your life. You will reach your goals and fulfil destiny in Jesus name.

Action point: If Elijah had rejected God's provision because it came through ravens, he would have starved. If God gives you something, just accept it with thanksgiving.


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