When your best friend leaves you

Seldom we make buddies, but when we do we give our best to keep the person happy and smiling in our company. When you find a persona and share same thoughts and views, you tend to become closer to him/ her. Slowly the friendship deepens and you consider the friend close to your heart. However, nothing comes permanent. So, when your best friend leaves you for some or the other reason, you feel shattered. Your best friend can leave for many reasons. For example, he/ she can back bitch you, get married or is shifting to some other city. Distance can harden the friendship and for the first few weeks, it would be very difficult to spend the day without your best friend. So, what happens when your best friend leaves you. Check out...

When Your Best Friend Leaves You:
You Get Shattered:
There was only one close friend with whom you shared eveyr tits and bits of your life. Once your best friend leaves you and is no more in your life, you tend to feel shattered as there is no one else to share your things with!
You Are Lonely:
You used to hang out with your best friend and enjoy life to the lees! However, when your best friend is not more there, you tend to feel lonely and find no one in your life who can take that place. You think you are left alone and there is not even a single person to understand you.
Search For A Replacement:
When you are without your best friend, you seek solace in other friends and try to build a rapport with them. To fill the empty space, you try to find friends who can replace your best friend.
You Travel:
As you are sad, you will love to travel and get over the depression of losing someone so close to your heart. While some travel alone, the committed ones travel with their partners. These are few things that people do when their best friend leaves them!


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