A man with an extra ear

Australian artist Stelarc's

There's a man with an extra ear -- but it's not on his head.
Australian artist Stelarc says it took him a decade to find a surgeon crazy enough to help him achieve his dream: the implantation of an ear... in his arm.

Specifically, the inner part of his upper left arm, which is probably the exact place an ear never needs to be but he says there's a purpose to this.
 "It isn't for my benefit," he said. "I have two perfectly good ears, but to explore the idea of me becoming an acoustic device for other people."

He wants to install a microphone in his implanted ear and hook it up to the Internet so people all over the world can hear what his arm is hearing.

Hopefully, it'll have an off switch. There are some things arms do that we just don't want to hear.

Source: About.com


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